How did you become a volunteer with Memphis Civitan?
My mother is a long time Civitan and she brought me to their community service projects as a child. When I graduated from college, it was a natural choice to become an “official” Civitan. In short, my mama made me.
Why did you choose Memphis Civitan? What do you like about it?
The people are wonderful!! I’ve made some very good friends and it’s such a DIFFERENT group of people! In a good way! From all different walks of life and it’s a great way to meet people you might otherwise have missed.
Describe your best, funniest, or most educational experience as volunteer.
The speakers have taught me so much about developmental milestones for children and what to expect and look for in them. My favorite memory is going to Harwood and seeing the puppet that our fund raising efforts purchased. I love seeing the end result of our hard work.
What is one thing you’d like potential volunteers to know about Memphis Civitan?
You get out of it what you put into it. We have so much FUN and it is a great feeling to know that you are making a difference.